Follow Along with Your Traveler’s Trip!

We’ve partnered with Waldo Photos to make sharing and downloading photos easy!

If your son or daughter is going on a Private Trip Program then there are two ways you can follow along with your traveler’s upcoming journey:

  • Looking for access to unlimited downloads of high-resolution photos without our branding watermark? Interested in having every photo your son or daughter is featured in getting texted directly to you and up to 5 other family members’ phones once they’re uploaded? Hoping to purchase prints and other custom photo products at the end of the trip? Text your trip-specific join code shared in your pre-departure email to 735-343 to enroll!
  • Simply looking to browse the watermarked photos from your traveler’s trip? No problem! You can find your son or daughter’s trip-specific gallery at by entering the trip-specific join code shared in your pre-departure email!
  • If you have questions about Waldo or are having trouble joining, please feel free to email for assistance!
